
Isla Vista Foot Patrol


County Ordinance Changes
Effective February 10th, 2024 –

The Isla Vista Foot Patrol is a unique station in that deputies and officers patrol the area primarily on foot or bicycle due to the large student population that live in this vibrant and compact community. Approximately 24,000 people live in this scenic .6 square miles area on a bluff surrounded by the ocean.

The IVFP began in 1970 as one of the first community policing stations in California and has operated successfully under that concept ever since. The goal is to create a partnership between the public and law enforcement and to work together to help keep Isla Vista safe.

Deltopia Information – HERE

Restorative Justice Information – HERE

Information on North and South County Citizen’s Academy
Info – HERE

Community Policing in Isla Vista Info – HERE

Click on Lieutenant Te Slaa’s picture for bio

Lt. Garrett Te Slaa oversees the station which is made up of deputies and officers who work cooperatively to make a positive difference in the Isla Vista community.

Click on Commander Welch’s picture for bio

Commander Brad Welch oversees the South County Operations Division which includes the Isla Vista Foot Patrol.

The Sheriff’s Office works closely with all of the stakeholders in Isla Vista to ensure the entire community has a voice in the way their community is policed. The groups include the Isla Vista Community Services District, the county’s 3rd District Supervisor’s office, the Associated Student Bodies, the IV Safe Committee and many other community organizations.  There is a concerted effort among all of the stakeholders to work together to provide a safe and secure environment for the multiple unsanctioned events held in the community of Isla Vista including the numerous weekly private parties.

The Isla Vista community has a new Community Resource Deputy.  Senior Deputy Colby Carrell, a 5-year veteran of the Sheriff’s Office, was selected for the position and started his new assignment in January of 2023.  Senior Deputy Carrell is excited about his new role and is motivated to have a positive impact in Isla Vista.







I.V.F.P. Sheriff Station
6504 Trigo Rd .
Isla Vista, CA. 93117
Phone #’s: (805) 681-4179
Dispatch non-emergency (805) 683-2724

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